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Robert Plummer School Board Candidate

Robert is passionate about education and its importance in paving the way for successful careers and fulfilling dreams.Coming from the Clark County school district and raising three children who also did, he understands how vital education is in providing opportunities for the next generation. That is why he is committed to expanding school choice and providing the best secondary education options available.

Address School Violence

The American Psychological Association task force commissioned a study in 2022 and found Since the Covid outbreak, school violence has been on the rise.  It's not just student violence either. The same study reported that 59% of teachers, 58% of administrators, 48% of support staff and 38% of school psychologists and social workers reported being victimized in some way while at work.

The report outlined how children act out physically when they have significant needs that aren't being met, "perhaps because they have trouble communicating them." We have to help our students, teachers, and administrators and get them the help they need.

Teachers and Students should both feel safe at school. This violence is one of many issues contributing to teacher retention, student absences, and a lack of oversight. Robert Plummer spent over 30 years in law enforcement and public safety. One of this top priorities will be to address this escalating violence within our schools and working to make our schools safer.
Involve and Engage Parents

Attending a School Board meeting makes it clear that parents' voices are often drowned out. These meetings are frequently dominated by individuals without children in the system, yet they are granted equal or even greater influence than actual parents.

It is crucial for Clark County Schools to prioritize the voices of parents, not external special interest groups. These groups often exert pressure on school boards to implement unnecessary and potentially harmful new curricula, which stray far from the core of education. Robert is committed to advocating for parents and standing firm against these special interest groups.
Create Accountability

Ensuring accountability is paramount for the success of our children in Clark County Schools. Therefore, we must establish a robust evaluation system that empowers parents to take decisive steps when schools, teachers, or administrators fall short of meeting student needs. Presently, Clark County Schools lack an efficient evaluation process for educators and administrators. Astonishingly, in the past three decades, only three principals have faced dismissal or removal.


This absence of accountability is a significant factor contributing to our low ranking. Robert is resolute in his commitment to championing higher standards and implementing rigorous evaluations. These measures are essential to fostering accountability, propelling improvements, and enhancing our education system.

Provide Transparency

Clark County Schools consistently receive increased funding each year, yet the tangible outcomes remain unclear. While CCSD does provide an annual budget, it often lacks specific details as to the specifics of where that increased funding actually goes.

Robert is committed to transforming this. You deserve transparency regarding the allocation of your funds and their impact. Robert pledges to direct resources towards classrooms, prioritizing essential needs over unnecessary programs or inflated administrator salaries.

Teach the Fundamentals

Robert recognizes the significance of focusing on the basics. The pathway to enhancing the quality of education in Nevada is clear: we must move away from indoctrination and return to the core mission of educating our children.


Our schools have become preoccupied with ideologies and political agendas, losing sight of the primary aim of education. It's time to refocus on essential skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, along with genuine academic standards. Robert is dedicated to urging Clark County Schools to prioritize the fundamentals, thereby enabling us to genuinely enhance our educational standards.

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